Stop smoking

Help to stop smoking

We understand that giving us smoking can be hard, but you don't have to do it on your own. To help you stop smoking:

Self-help tips

You can help yourself by:

  • Think positive, you can do this
  • Make a plan to quit smoking, you're less likely to give up
  • Swap your meat dishes to more veggie based meals
  • Change your usual drink to more water and juice
  • Identify when you crave cigarettes and change your routine
  • Get some stop smoking support
  • Get moving, a 5 minute activity helps cut the craving
  • Make non-smoking friends
  • Keep your hands and mouth busy
  • Make a list of reasons to quit and reap the benefits


Stop smoking benefits

Smoking is bad for your health. Stopping smoking improves your health. You can stop smoking today and benefit from:

  • breathing more easily
  • having more energy
  • feeling less stressed
  • better sex
  • improving your sense of smell and taste
  • younger-looking skin
  • whiter teeth and sweeter breath
  • live longer
  • protecting your loved ones in a smoke free home